That they arme themselues, to sinne no more after Baptisme, against the tentations of the
Heathen, considering that the general end now approcheth: 8. specially toward their
euen-Christians to shew their charitie, hospitalitie, and grace, doing al to the glorie of God. 12.
And as for being persecuted because they are Christians, to reioyce, considering the reward that they
shal haue with Christ, and damnation that they auoid hereby.
1. CHRIST therfore hauing suffered in the flesh, be you also armed with the same cogitation.
Because he that hath suffered in the flesh, hath ceased from sinnes:
2. that now not after the desires of men, but according to the wil of God he liue the
rest of his time in the flesh.
3. For the time past sufficeth (to accomplish the wil of the Gentils) them that haue
walked in riotousnes, desires, excesse of wine, banketings, potations, and vnlawful seruices of
4. Wherein they maruel blaspheming, you not concurring into the same confusion of
5. Who shal render account to him, which is ready to iudge the liuing and the dead.
6. For, for this cause also was
It hath the same difficulty and sense that the other like words haue before, chap. 3.
See the annotation there v. 19. and S. Aug ep. 69, & Oecumenius vpon this
it euangelized to the dead: that they may be iudged
indeed according to men, in the flesh: but may liue according to God in the Spirit.
7. And the end of al
' is at hand.
shal approch.
The Epistle vpon Sunday next after the Ascension.
Be wise therfore, and watch in praiers.
8. But before al things, hauing mutual charitie continual among your selues: because
Pro. 10,
charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes.
Ro. 12,
Heb. 13.
Vsing hospitalitie one toward another without murmuring.
Ro. 12,6.
Euery one as he hath receiued grace, ministring the same one toward another: as
good dispensers of the manifold grace of God.
11. If any man speake, as the words of God. If any man minister, as of the power,
which God administreth. That in al things God may be honoured by Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ: to whom
is glorie & empire for euer and euer. Amen.
12. My dearest, thinke it not strange in the feruour which is to you for a tentation,
as though some new thing happened to you:
The Epistle for some Martyrs.
But communicating with the passions of Christ, be glad, that in the reuelation
also of his glorie you may be glad reioycing.
Mt. 5,11.
If you be reuiled in the name of Christ, you shal be blessed: because that which
is of the honour, glorie, and vertue of God, and the Spirit which is his, shal rest vpon you.
15. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a theefe, or a railer, or a coueter
of other mens things.
16. But if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorifie God in this
17. For
Hier. 25,19.
the time is that iudgement begin of the house of God. And if first of vs, what
shal be the end of them that beleeue not the Ghospel of God?
18. And
Pro. 11,31.
if the iust man shal scarce be saued, where shal the impious & sinner appeare?
19. Therfore they also that suffer according to the wil of God, let them commend their
soules to the faithful Creatour, in good deeds.
Cʜᴀᴘ. IV.
9. Charitie couereth.) Not only faith Workes of mercie.
Faith only cannot iustifie, seeing that charitie also doth cause
remission of sinnes. And saying charitie, he meaneth loue and charitable workes toward our
neighbours, vnto which workes of mercie the Scriptures doe specially attribute the force to
extinguish al sinnes. See S. Augustine c. 69 Enchiridij, and tract. 1. in ep. 1. Io. c. 1. &
venerable Bede vpon this place. And in the like sense the holy Scriptures commonly commend
vnto vs almes and deeds of mercie for redemption of our sinnes. Prouerb. c. 10. Ecclesiastici
12. v. 2. Danielis c. 4. v. 24.
17. That iudgement begin.) The better men most afflicted in this life.
In this time of the new Testament, the faithful and al those that meane
to liue godly (specially of the Clergie) must first and principally be subiect to God's chastisement
and temporal afflictions, which are here called iudgement. Which the Apostle recordeth for the
comfort and confirmation of the Catholike Christians, who were at the time of the writing hereof,
exceedingly persecuted by the heathen Princes and people.
18. If the iust.) The iust man himself is hardly saued.
Not that a man dying iust & in the fauour of God, can afterward be in doubt of
his saluation, or may be reiected of God: but that the iust being both in this life subiect to
assaults, tentations, troubles, and dangers of falling from God and loosing their state of iustice
& also oftentimes to make a strait count, and to be temporally chastised in the next life, cannot
be saued without great watch, feare, and trembling, and much labouring and chastisement.
Against the vaine securitie of only faith.
And this is farre contrarie to the Protestants doctrine, that putteth no iustice but in faith alone,
maketh none iust indeed and in truth, teacheth men to be so secure and assured of their saluation, that
he that hath liued wickedly al his life, if he only haue their faith at his death, that is, if the
beleeue stedfastly that he is one of the elect, he shal be as sure of his saluation immediately after
his departure, as the best liuer in the world.